"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."



03 Haziran 2019, Pazartesi 11:12
Sheikh of Al Azhar University

Khedive Ismail Pasha went to visit Al Ezher University.

When the Pasha enters, Sheikh didn't get up, and kept his feet shabby.

After a little chat, Pasha left the place.

The accompanied friends of the Sheikh jumped on him.

- When Pasha came, you didn’t show any interest, is that so?

- A scholar never licks somebody's boots...

In the meantime, the Pasha wanted to teach the Sheikh a painful lesson making him remembered that khedive is always governor and provider his livelihood. And sent him an officer away with purse of gold.

But the Sheikh refused the golds, then the officer turned back.

Ismail Pasha asked:

- Why didn't you give it to him?

- He didn't accept the gift, sir.

- Why?

- He sent you his compliments and regards. And asked me to say you his remark :

- Whoever takes the gift, cannot keep away his feet from shabbiness.

Özden Atukeren

Yeni Asya English

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