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Şule Yüksel Şenler with prayers…

31 Ağustos 2019, Cumartesi 10:35
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's students Üzeyir Şenler's sister Şule Yüksel Şenler was sent to eternity with prayers.

The funeral prayers of journalist-writer Şule Yüksel Senler, who passed away from heart attack at the hospital where She was being treated, were held at Eyüp Sultan Mosque yesterday after noon prayers. Şule Yüksel Şenler who is Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's students Üzeyir Şenler's sister and known for her strong ideas and conferences on the path to Islam, received the mercy of Haqq with prayers. Şenler aims were to reach out to the public through books, conferences and newspaper articles. Meeting with Risale-i Nur was a turning point in her life.Şenler who managed in becoming a role model for Muslim women, gained fame with her novel Huzur Sokağı.

Spiritual daughter accepted condolences

Before the funeral prayers, Senler's spiritual daughter Ayşe Yosunkaya accepted condolences. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop, Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya, Istanbul Police Chief Mustafa Çalışkan, district mayors and many ministers, journalists and writers attended the funeral of Şule Yüksel Senler. Banners reading “Mujahideen of a whole age Şule Yüksel Şenler” and “Godspeed from the peaceful street to the land of peace Mother Şule” were hung in the courtyard of the mosque by the citizens who attended the ceremony.

Who is Şenler?

Şule Yüksel Şenler was born on 29 May 1938 in Kayseri. Originally from Cyprus, she emigrated to Istanbul with her family at a young age. She dropped out of Secondary School in her sophomore year and began her career working alongside a tailor. Her journalistic life began at the age of 21. Her writings were published in various newspapers in the 1960s. She was prosecuted for her writings.   She entered the hijab in 1965. The reason most people knew her was because of hier novel, Huzur Sokağı, was filmed first and then the series. But in an interview She said she did not know about the film and the series herself. Şenler, who was a role-model for all women in the point of living their beliefs, continued to write in various newspapers and magazines in later ages.

Translation: Ethem Erbaş.

For Turkish: https://www.yeniasya.com.tr/genel/sule-yuksel-senler-dualarla_501769

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