08 Mayıs 2019, Çarşamba 11:07
Every night in the month of Ramadan, the Australia Light Foundation holds Teravih prayers and a Risale-i Nur lessons. The program is always well received b the crowded congregation.
Half an hour before the Teravih prayer, Risale-i Nur lessons are held at the Foundation. Currently in Australia fasting is beginning late Autumn, so the fasting times are very short.
Invitees of the Australian Light Foundation this year are three Hafiz brothers. Teravih will be very diverse this year with the three Hafiz men from Malaysia and six other imams of the Foundation. After the taravih prayer, the social facilities of the foundation serve warm drinks and pleasant conversations.
Australia / Yeni Asya
Yeni Asya English
Okunma Sayısı: 1143
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