"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Yeni Asya Gifted Risale-i Nur to French Author J.C. Grange

18 Mart 2020, Çarşamba 13:39
The Ankara Book Fair, organized for the 14th of this year and attended by more than 300 publishing houses and non-governmental organizations at ATO Congresium.

Yeni Asya Neşriyat attends the fair with a big and magnificent stand. France is the guest country of the fair which is expected to host over 500 thousand visitors. In line with the cooperation with this country, various conferences, panels and signing days are held about the French literature and culture throughout the fair. The international "honorary author" of the fair, Jean Christophe, is also the author of books having sold millions of copies in France. 

Who is Jean Christophe Grange ?

Our delegation consisting of Yeni Asya Board Member Ali Vapurlu and former Board Member Bilal Sürücü, Ankara Representative Mehmet Kara and Yeni Asya Publishing Sales Representative Osman Yiğit visited the French writer Jean Christophe Grange, "International guest of honor at the fair", who also gave speech and signed his books at the conference.

Afterwards the conversation, with a Mektubat (Letters) from Risale-i Nur which was translated into French, our special issue for February 21th and magazines were given as gifts to him. During the conversation, he was informed about Yeni Asya newspaper, Risale-i Nur and Bediüzzaman. Jean Christophe Grange, who worked as a freelance journalist after receiving his university education, published his first book, The Flight of the Storks, in 1994. Grange has approved the 8-episode TV series offered by the production companies due to the great interest in this book. Grange's novel, which has made his name all over the world, named as the best thriller novel after the Silence of the Lambs.

Translation: Onur Nizam

Okunma Sayısı: 1755
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