"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


10. Risale-i Nur Youth Congress Society, State and Nationality desk result declaration

26 Temmuz 2019, Cuma 15:14
In Risale-i Nur Youth Congress, organized by newspaper of Yeni Asya and Risale-i Nur Institution, the theme of "nationalism" has been discussed in consideration of Bediüzzaman's "nationalism views". It has been emphasised that our single nation is Islam Nation and this Nation is supposed to be castle of Islam.

Annually organized by Risale-i Nur Institution, 10.Risale-i Nur Youth Congress was held on 6-7th April 2019 in Ankara. This year's theme was determined as "Nationalism" by Risale-i Nur Institution and table sudies were held. 

Table studies, in which about 180 youngs throughout all corners of Turkey actively involved, started on 6th April, Saturday at 09.00 and ended at 20.00.

The Result Declarations of Table Studies, held seperately by both man and women, were shared with society in Youth Congress held on 7th April.

Collected under main topic of Nationalism and involving 5 tables, table titles were;

1. Table: Humanitarian Values and Nationality

2. Table: World Peace and Nationality

3. Table: History of Humanity and Nationality

4. Table: Religion and Nationality

5. Table: Society, State and Nationality

Translation: Ekrem Başçı



Ahmet Özdemir, Abdulkadir Bayraklılar, Ahmet Serdar Erünsal, Bilal Said Parlakoğlu, Eser Özervarlı, Furkan Enes Durak, Hasan Koç, İbrahim Yasir Teğiş, Muhammed Emin Ortakaş, Muhammed Enes Özervarlı, Muhammed Zübeyir Yıldız, Muhammed Köseoğlu, Mustafa Enes Çıra, Osman Yetim, İbrahim İriboz, Ömer Faruk Emre


Asuman İşler, Beyzanur Sapmaz, Emine Bakırlıoğlu, Eslem Süeda Tola, Fethiye Akay, Hüma Çınar, Merve Tamtürk, Rabia Arı, Rabia Yamaner, Sümeyra Önder, Süreyya Nur İşler, Şule Tamtürk

Society, State and Nationality

1. Person forms society and society forms state. In order for  a society and a state to be formed according to principals of postive nationalism, people primarily are supposed to adopt positive nationalism principles and embrace the culture of patience and tolerance against differencies.

2. Bcause it causes minorities and differencies to be rejected by state, the perception of nation-state that accepts the existance of one nation paves the way of most current social conflicts in rulership of a state.

3. The positive side of idea of nationalism is to love nation and save it from external attacks. The negative side of it is to insult the other races, to cansider them as enemy or even terrorrists and to allege that 'single pure nation is its own one'.

4. Implementing nagative idea of nationalism, which is not respectful to sacred morals of religion, as a state policy, causes decomposition of society, thus weakening the state. Damages of idea of negative nationalism can only be removed by strenghtening democracy and nurturing society.

5. Emergence of negative nationalism in diplomacy causes revival of tyrant governers, who prioritises arbitrary treatment and tyranny in government and thus decomposition of society and recession.

6. Predominance of negative nationalism in government  damages impartial and discreet decision-making mechanism of governers thus leading to injustice and cruelty in society.

7. Establishment of public security and safety, one of the most important duty of state, is only possible with prompting religious feelings instead of hazardous negative nationalism. The idea of possitive nationalism,  however, can only be obtained with a stable and proper religious education.

8. While the states, being fed with conflict, prefer a discriminator’s way, using oneness points such as single race and single language in idea of negative nationalism; possitive Islamic nationalism emphasizes oneness points such as "single state, single country and one kiblah" and drives forward unifying features.

9. One connot expect idea of nationalism, directed by diplomacy and shaped in compliance with the policy of capitalist states, to have a role in unification. Islamic society should act in compliance with Islam and the ties required by Islam and make nationalism based on components attendant to Islam.

10. The idea of "Other nations can be sacrificed for the sake of survival of my nation." triggers the conflicts and leads to decomposition of Islamic world.

It is reality of "The person whose struggle is for its nation is a nation itself." that will wipe conflict and decomposition out and fix up Islamic Unity.

Translation: Ekrem Başçı

Yeni Asya English

Okunma Sayısı: 5182
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