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While the Antichrist Appears - 3

14 Ekim 2024, Pazartesi
Author: Mustafa Eren Bozoklu

Humanism, in the last two centuries until the Second World War, was building itself through political and social communities organized around ideologies against religion. However, the results of the world wars showed that these ideologies were not so innocent and reliable. Ideologies and the nation-state model showed the ultimate order that modernism could reach. The Nagasaki bombing (August 9, 1945) started the countdown.

In the modern period, the “individual” seemed to have escaped from captivity, embraced states and ideologies, organized against religion and monarchy, and adopted living together and equally (as communist or fascist, people or nation). However, with the end of the modern period (postmodern period), the modern individual also received his share of the transformation. This individual began to adopt an understanding that was both free – but free against religion and nationality, in other words, having a freedom of soul (nafs) – and egalitarian – not caring about differences such as class, belief, nationality-. Now, the postmodern individual, after recently gaining the right to direct the social and political mechanism, was also placed at the center of the production of “value”. Democracy has now begun to transform from being a “democracy of equals” to a “democracy of values”. Nations, states and religious institutions that used to produce politics, culture and value have now given way to this new “individual-power”. It seems that we are faced with a “god-man” who has conquered all the institutions ruling the earth and is preparing to gather all the attributes and powers of the Creator in himself.

According to a classification accepted by Islamic scholars, humanity will go through three stages: the First Age (Kurun-u Ula, until Prophet Adam and Prophet Moses), the Middle Age (Kurun-u Vusta, from Prophet Moses to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) and the Last Age (Kurun-u Uhra or Ahirzaman, from the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to the apocalypse). This simple classification parallels the situation in which revelation places man. August Comte’s classification was “Theological, Metaphysical and Positivist.” Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, one of the late Islamic scholars, accepted the traditional classification, but in the context of the development of civilization, he talked about 5 periods as "Savage (primitive nomadism), Mamlukism (slavery), Captivity (feudality), Wage-earning (workmanship), Freedom, Ownership and Free Enterprise". In the Marxist classification, a periodization is put forward as "Primitive communal, Slavery, Feudal, Capitalist, Socialist".

Quantum Physics has rendered the positivist period expectation meaningless, and globalizing Capitalism has rendered the socialist phase prediction meaningless. It should be emphasized that Bediuzzaman’s “Period of Freedom, Ownership and Free Enterprise” prediction more accurately expresses the world and reality we live in. Nowadays, all institutions of the old period have become increasingly ineffective, central governments have weakened, local governments have become effective, mechanisms for seeking rights have developed, the private sector has taken over the economy, and independent research institutions have undertaken the production of science and technology. In other words, all the positive and negative characteristics of freedom have begun to emerge. The working class, who make a living by selling their labor, is being replaced by individuals who can turn their own ideas into products, produce and sell patented ideas, goods and services, convert their designs into mass production… in other words, who can become owners or partners of property on earth with their knowledge and skills, ideas and innovation capabilities.

However, it is not overlooked that there are also corporate personalities (legal entities) who manipulate all these developments, who try to oppose individual freedom to all kinds of beliefs, systems, social and political orders and use it as a tool for their irreligious ambitions, and who try to render the individual's protective shields (family, belief, nationality, gender, kinship and affinity, culture and spirituality, etc.) dysfunctional. These corporate personalities are composed of a number of focal points organized under the curtain as giant companies, banks and foundations that dominate sectors such as finance, weapons, art, food, medicine, information and energy. They are carrying out siege operations against parliaments, central banks, armies and authentic elements of the economy. They are weakening country administrations and democracies through destabilization, and forcing nations, cultures, communities, etc. to be marginalized or to be bought and placed on their side. The people are constantly manipulated through tools such as the internet, cinema and TV series platforms.

The mapping of human DNA with the Human Genome Project has paved the way for the production of a highly durable human body. The level that Artificial Intelligence has reached has shown that “superhumans” such as Superman, X-Men, and Avengers can be produced (!). The Neoliberal -irreligious- bourgeoisie, who finance these projects, has declared war both against the creator and against the entire legacy of homo sapiens. The emergence of the society of the Antichrist, the completion of the Tower of Babel, the construction of the god-human, Human Plus (Human+), Version 2 human, the completion of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Song of Immortality are just around the corner. However, only a very small population will benefit from this! Therefore, if possible, it will be necessary to cleanse unnecessary human masses with regional and manageable wars and other interventions (drought or epidemics), if not, with intercontinental wars (!).

Author: Mustafa Eren Bozoklu
[email protected]

Okunma Sayısı: 363
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