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While the Antichrist Appears - 2

23 Eylül 2024, Pazartesi 16:44
It was not possible for Marxists to achieve their goal of a classless, uniform society, because they were unable to dominate the technology of production.

Author: Mustafa Eren Bozoklu   
[email protected]

The fact that communist and socialist states fell behind in the technological race led, firstly, to the weakening of their ideologies and established orders and, secondly, to the emergence of a new “communist bourgeoisie-labor” tension between communist society and the ruling class, and, thirdly,  caused almost all of them to take the form of a corporative (fascist) nation state.

However, this defeat had important consequences, especially for bourgeois segments that operated covertly, such as masonic structures. The bourgeoisie had the opportunity to possess something -that it could not offer to society-, an instrument such as ideology, religion, and nationalism, which it could use as a tool to govern society.

The works of various schools of thought, such as the Frankfurt and Vienna Schools, which criticized modernism at the beginning of the 20th century, gave the bourgeoisie the opportunity to change and dominate society along with states. Because these schools were criticizing the weakened institutions of the established order, fascist and communist states, languages, cultures and sociologies, and at the same time, they were highlighting the individual, who was in a very weak position against these institutions. They thought that they could turn all established concepts and institutions upside down by breaking down and rebuilding every historical, sociological, religious and philosophical institution with the “deconstruction method”. Just as humanism changed the entire Christian and feudal world and resulted in the modern world; with Marxist philosophy, a child of humanism, the bourgeoisie had the chance to realize a second humanist revolution.

It is necessary to state once again that, in a very different way from the liberal thought of the 18th century, an environment based on the individual and personal freedom, weakening the administrative power and thus removing important obstacles in front of the bourgeoisie emerged at the time when the two world wars, fascism and communism experiences started to produce disasters. Now, a new type of Corporatism called Neoliberalism, which actually allowed capital to rule the world under the guise of individual freedom, began to show itself; moreover, two different structures -both defending individual freedom- began to develop in the same geography. The first structure attempted to build a new “democratic governance” model defending human rights and freedoms like the European Union; the second structure, in fact, began to strive to destroy democracy under the guise and to turn individual freedom into an element that would render the individual dysfunctional, consisting of freedom to eat, drink and travel, ignoring the obligations included in belief, and not being able to intervene in the ruling-superior structures, and not feeling the need to do so.

Today, we are faced with a new type of bourgeoisie that seems to be quite pro-freedom to the outside world, but rejects religions, cultures, in other words, the heritage of humanity, has generally adopted Marxism, and therefore does not really care about the individual human being. Neoliberals are working towards a dream of humanity that imagines its “own evolution” by mobilizing the world of academia, philosophy, fine arts – especially cinema –, science and technology, relying on their great financial power to produce a new type of human and world order. For the Neoliberal bourgeoisie, which has now combined Capitalism and Marxism, ruling the world has become an ordinary business. We are faced with an “Antichrist” who is trying to give a new shape to the world with the internet, space research, media platforms, central banks of countries, Trying constantly to make the states indebted, dependent and to destabilize them etc. and who is determined to elevate humans to the level of God with the great project called Transhumanism. This mentality, which tries to match the human mind with a continuously developing cybernetic tissue in order to make the universe the permanent homeland of humanity, is trying to destroy the historical heritage of humanity such as state, religion, culture, and family. Now, a much greater disaster than the labor-capital crisis that Marx mentioned is standing before us. In the new world that will emerge with the use of Artificial Intelligence by this evil thought, the elimination of "homosapiens" will be inevitable. The Northern Unfaith Current, that is, the Great Antichrist of the End Times of the world, is now making its appearance in our streets.

Okunma Sayısı: 6877
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