"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Washington Mosque to be rebuilt after destruction attack

26 Temmuz 2019, Cuma 11:51
The Islamic center in Bellevue, Washington, is set to be rebuilt soon after it was destroyed twice in arson attacks.

The mosque was damaged in an arson attack in January 2017 by a homeless man who confessed setting that fire.

Though the mosque was evacuated, a second arson was set by a teenager in March 2018.

Going through the two attacks, the Bellevue Muslims praised the local community for their support to have their mosque rebuilt.

“Being the imam for the center for 18 years, it’s very dear to my heart. And to many people in the community,” said Imam Fazal Hassan of Islamic Community of Eastside.

“I’m grateful that I’m alive to see this happen and grateful my children attended that mosque and see it rebuilt,” said Farida Hakim, a founding member of ICOE.

Rebuilding the mosque will cost more than $3 million dollars. Half of the money has been raised thanks to the community fundraisers and the help of the interfaith community.

The process will begin in the first week of August.

Rising Hate

A report published by CAIR titled “Targeted: 2018 Civil Rights Report” recorded 144 anti-mosque incidents in 2017, of which 57 were labeled hate crimes.

According to leading American activists, Muslims are more vulnerable to bigotry and Islamophobia as a result of Trump’s policies than they were after the 9/11 attacks.

Between January and September 2017, CAIR recorded 1,656 so-called “bias incidents” and 195 hate crimes against Muslims in the USA. That represented a 9% increase in bias incidents and a 20% rise in hate crimes compared to 2016.

Yet, the local communities have offered support to the Muslim community in many cases.

In January 2017, more than 12,836 people raised more than $500K to rebuild a mosque in Victoria, Texas after a fire tore through the complex.

Another mosque in Orlando which was destroyed in 2016 received more than $100K in donations to rebuild the mosque that was destroyed in a hate attack.

Click to read "Targeted: 2018 Human Rights Report"

Okunma Sayısı: 2088
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