"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Over 1M sign petition for Australian senator removal

18 Mart 2019, Pazartesi 20:23
Senator Fraser Anning thrown egg on Saturday by teenager after his remarks following Friday's New Zealand terror attack

More than one million people have signed a petition to remove Australian Senator Fraser Anning from parliament after his remarks following Friday's terrorist attacks at two mosques in New Zealand.

"Remove Fraser Anning from parliament" petition started on change.org -- world's largest petition platform -- by local neurologist Kate Ahmad.

The move came after Anning held responsible Muslim immigration for the terrorist attacks in Christchurch, where at least 50 people were killed when a terrorist named Brenton Harrison Tarrant opened fire on worshippers during Friday's prayers at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques.

Anning, who was thrown egg on Saturday by a young boy named Will Connolly after his anti-immigrant remarks, said: "The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program that allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."

The petition slammed Anning's anti-immigrant remarks and called on the Australian government to assist in demanding a resignation from the independent senator.

"Senator Fraser Anning’s views have no place in the government of our democratic and multicultural country. Within the bounds of Australian law, we request that he be pushed to resign from his position as Senator, and if appropriate, be investigated by law enforcement agencies for supporting right wing terrorism," the petition read.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday also slammed the remarks of Anning, and said on Twitter: "The remarks by Senator Fraser Anning blaming the murderous attacks by a violent, right-wing, extremist terrorist in New Zealand on immigration are disgusting. Those views have no place in Australia, let alone the Australian Parliament."

Okunma Sayısı: 1293
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