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Muslims observe holy night of Barat

19 Nisan 2019, Cuma 16:44
Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate issues celebratory message marking holy night

The Muslim holy night of Barat, which is regarded as the night of forgiveness and salvation, will be observed across Turkey on Friday night.  

Lailat al Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Sha’ban, which is the eighth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

Ali Erbas, head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate, issued a message marking Lailat al-Barat.

In his message, Ali Erbas said Barat is considered as auspicious in the Islamic tradition, an abundantly blessed night when believers seek divine forgiveness and mercy.

"On the occasion of this blessed night, I wish peace, happiness and ease to our nation and Muslim Ummah. I also implore Almighty Allah to let us reach the month of Ramadan having been purged of all our sins that burden our hearts,” he said.

Erbas stressed that Barat should endow “people with the consciousness of servanthood and accountability that urge us to forgive others if we want to be forgiven”.

The Night of Barat is also known as a time that brings the glad tidings of the approaching advent of Ramadan, the blessed month of fasting during which Muslims abstain from food and drink and marital relations from predawn to sunset.


Etiketler: Barat, Sha’ban, Ramadan
Okunma Sayısı: 1278
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  • Zübeyir

    20.4.2019 06:23:21

    Congurulations! We are so happy to see english News . Thank you !


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