"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Muslim scholars lament horrific tragedy in Sri Lanka

22 Nisan 2019, Pazartesi 17:19
Muslim scholars have lamented the horrific tragedy in Sri Lanka attacks on Easter Sunday in which at least 207 people were killed and hundreds more injured.

“Sick to my stomach. Praying for the victims and families, and all of our Christian brothers and sisters in humanity. We cannot let this evil win. #SriLankaAttacks,” Omar Suleiman wrote on Facebook.

Eight explosions took place on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, including in three Christian churches and three hotels, some commonly used by foreign visitors.

In addition to those who were killed at least 450 were wounded, according to officials with police, the Colombo Hospital, and St. Sebastian Church.

One of the churches struck by the attack was St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo, Sri Lanka, which is located about an hour north of the country’s capital of Colombo, ABC News reported.

St. Anthony’s Shrine, a Catholic church in Colombo, and Zion Church, in Batticaloa, were also attacked. Colombo, the country’s capital is located on the western side of the island nation, while Batticaloa is on the eastern shore.

Shangri-La Hotel, Cinnamon Grand Hotel, and Kingsbury Hotel, all located in Colombo, were targeted in the bombings. All are popular with foreigners.

The victims were also mourned by prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yasir Qadhi.

“The horrific tragedy of an orchestrated terrorist attack against Christian sites is absolutely disgusting,” he wrote on Facebook.

“Killing innocent people is of the greatest crimes imaginable, and NEVER brings about any good. I pray that peace prevails in that beautiful land and that the culprits are brought to justice.”

Secretary-General of The Muslim Council of Britain also commented on the Sri Lanka attacks, including the bombing of churches on this Easter Sunday.

Islam is a minority religion in the island nation of Sri Lanka which lies south of India in the Indian Ocean.

The world’s fastest-growing and second largest religion, Islam, represents no more than 9.66% in Sri Lanka, which means 1,997,361 persons only out of the country’s 21.2 million population are Muslims, according to 2012 census.

Okunma Sayısı: 1278
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