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While the Antichrist Appears - 1

12 Eylül 2024, Perşembe 17:00
Among the many ideas that attempt to interpret how societies change, a very critical idea, the proposition of Marx and Engels, is generally known as Marxism.

Author: Mustafa Eren Bozoklu
[email protected]

Marxism is a claim that ultimately a communist society will emerge, and even now it maintains its distinction as the most frequently mentioned and cited idea throughout history. The communist society is the dream of a system that is free of all classes and where authority extends to every individual. It is seen that all historical facts such as religion, nationality, property, and family, which give rise to classes among human societies, are excluded by communism.

According to Marxism, the change of societies always occurs through class conflicts. The source of the conflict is essentially the fundamental change in the mode of production. To put it simply, the hardening relations between the wage earner group (working class) who earn their living through labor and the capital owners (bourgeoisie) also trigger fundamental social changes. In short, Marxist Theory states that the fundamental dynamic of change occurs when the mode of production no longer meets the needs and the capitalist begins to look for new ways to increase his wealth and new technologies force the current mode of production to undergo a radical transformation. In this case, it will be inevitable for the working class to take control.

However, the fact that the bourgeois class has not disappeared, and that the bourgeoisie are in the mechanism that develops production techniques, produces weapon power and/or provides financing for them, results in the Marxist dream not being possible - together with many other reasons. The collapse of communist regimes, the invasion of our globe by capitalism, the rise of liberalism and democracy show that Marxist Theory needs other things to realize itself.

Capitalism, which is generally shown as the opposite of Marxism but does really not correspond to it, is able to attract everyone by embodying a form of freedom that is pleasing to the human soul (nafs) due to its emphasis on competition and its encouragement of production and consumption. The free market economy offers everyone the opportunity to become rich (!). Therefore, the so-called “egalitarian” discourse of Communism seems doomed to constantly be defeated by the so-called “libertarian” discourse of Capitalism.

Today, the bourgeoisie has become much more active and has risen to a position that directs/threatens states, cultures, academia, science and art circles. Nowadays, we are faced with a bourgeoisie that has the power to change the mode of production as well as to regulate basic human institutions such as belief, culture, science, family and gender. The dream of a uniform world order that Marxism could not realize is about to come true with Capitalist and liberal approaches.

The brightest thing promised to people in the new world order is “as much freedom as possible”. However, this freedom is only an individual freedom (actually granted to the soul) and as a price of this freedom, authorities such as religion, culture, society, community and family, which have made people strong, shaped them, provided them with a reason to live and helped them develop an attitude towards death throughout history, must be excluded. As can be seen, the promised freedom expresses the union of the essence of Capitalism and the ideology of Marxism.

Marxism has apparently been defeated by Capitalism, but this defeat has given the bourgeoisie -who “do not have a real soul” and therefore can always maintain their relationship with society by remaining in the background- the opportunity to have an idea and a soul to build a society and future of their own. We call this new situation, that is, the attempt to realize Capitalist freedom and Marxist equality within a single world order, Neo-Liberalism. The utopian despotic order that George Orwell pointed out in his novels “Animal Farm” and “1984” is about to realize itself.

So what are the events that paved the way for Neoliberalism? As a result of the decline in the resistance of societies, the bankruptcy of economies and the weakening of nation states in World War II, the protective shields of nations were damaged and the sovereignty of states was considerably weakened. It was at this time that we met with postmodern philosophy. Approaches emerged that pushing a single type of person who is self-sufficient at a micro level and communities that are as small as possible should replace the great ideals and giant structures (religions, ideologies etc.) and protective shields (state, nation, culture, family etc.).

The emergence of the European Union and global and regional unions can be given as examples of positive reflections of the postmodern situation. However, in return, a new type of bourgeoisie has emerged that controls the financial world, controls the arms industry, directs the world of art and science, and has reached the power to destabilize the social order, and is quite daring and aggressive. This new bourgeoisie is mostly located in democracies and is trying to destroy the democracies and nation states they are located in. The Great Antichrist, who is announced in the hadiths to emerge in the End Times, has begun to appear on our streets and become visible everywhere with the work of this new bourgeoisie, who acts based on Marxist philosophy within the Capitalist world order.

Okunma Sayısı: 7285
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  • Ni Nyoman Tini

    21.9.2024 10:33:31

    Well-done! This is first time since long that I read such meaningful essay


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