Alia, who was born and raised in a Jewish family, declared that she decided to become a Muslim after researching and studying all religions.
She stated that:
Reported by Emine S. Çakır.
Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, as the Executive Director of a project called GainPeace, aims to inform the people about the fundamentals of Islam by building bridges and emphasizing the common points between different races and beliefs in North America.
GainPeace is a non-profit organization. It’s main purpose is to inform the public about Islam and to eliminate prejudices and misunderstandings about Muslims.
Here is a brief conversation of Sabeel Ahmed with a woman who grew up in a Jewish family and became a Muslim about two weeks ago.
Dr. Sabeel Ahmed: "Dear Alia, could you tell us about yourself, what kind of subjects you are interested in usually, and also your story of entering Islam?
Alia :“Hello, my name is Alia. I was born and raised in a Jewish family. Family members were not religious, even considered anti-religious. But I always felt that there was a God who created and rules everything. Therefore as a first I started researching Christianity. At first I liked it, but later I saw that there were things that didn't fit my logic. Last year in December, a voice inside me started to inspire me to enter into Islam. I was surprised, then I thought that it was a God-given feeling to me. After that I started to study and research on the basic points of Islam. Islam and especially the Qur’an made sense to me in all respects. And upon that, I became a Muslim by reciting ‘Confession of Faith’ about a month ago.”
Dr. Sabeel Ahmed asked: "Well, do you have something to say for people who are still considering converting to Islam?”
Alia replied: “Don’t decide precipitately, but do not delay too long. Examine Islam thoroughly, then be sure if you fully understood it and that it is the right religion for you. Islam is never a religion as the media has been presenting.
Here everyone is like a family member. Believe that, everything will be very good when you become Muslim. After I converted to Islam, I was feeling as if I was shining a light around.”
She was smiling as she said that.
Translation: Özden Atukeren