"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Inspiring Stories

21 Temmuz 2019, Pazar 13:58

One old native American and his grandson were sitting in front of their cottage and watching the two wolf dogs, which were playing each other a little bit away. One dog was white, the other was black. Ever since the boy could remember they have been struggling in the same way. His grandfather kept a close watch on them and he never did take them away.

The child thought that only one dog was enough to protect the cottage, he wanted to understand why his grandfather needed a second dog and why their colors were different as black and white. He curiously asked his grandfather.

The old man stroked his grandson's back with a wise smile, and replied:

"They are two symbols for me, my son."

“Well, what do they symbolize ?” asked the boy.

“Symbols of goodness and evil. Goodness and evil constantly fight against each other at our inner world just like these dogs you see. I usually think of this subject as long as I watch the fighting of the dogs. So I regularly keep them with me.” 

Upon what his grandfather said the boy thought that, at the end of every struggle it has to be a winner and he added a new question in a childhood tradition:

“Well,which of them wins this struggle?“

The wise man looked at his grandson with a deep smile.

“Which one I feed better, he wins the struggle.”


Yeni Asya English

Etiketler: goodness, dogs, evil
Okunma Sayısı: 2573
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