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A treaty between Ottoman and United States

22 Nisan 2019, Pazartesi 16:50

Year, 1783 ...

As a newly seafaring power, the United States, began to appear on deep seas displaying its own ensign. Although it is not yet much powerful comparing with the European standards on that time.

On 25th. July 1785, as a first, an US flagged ship was seized by Ottoman Navy off the Algerian coasts. The name of that ship was Maria, registered to Port of Boston, commanding by Captain Isaak Stevens.

Subsequently, another ship named Dauphin, registered to the Port of Philadelphia was captured. She was being steered by Captain O'Brien's.

In October and November 1793, 11 pieces of US ships were seized by the Ottomans Navy.

On March 27th.1794, the US Congress granted President George Washington for an expedition of about 700,000 golden coins for newbuilding or purchasing of warships to counter the Ottoman naval forces. Owing to the threat posed by the Ottoman Empire, the founding of the US navy were initiated. 

On September 5th., 1795, the United States accepted to conclude a treaty against this threat. According to this agreement, the US should pay 642,000 golden coins at once and additionally 12,000 Ottoman golds per year ($ 216,000) on condition that to return of the American prisoners in Algeria and not to attack any US vessel sailing on the Atlantic and also on the Mediterranean. That treaty was signed by President George Washington and Algerian Governor Hasan Pasha mutually, which consists of 22 articles in Turkish language. Thus, the US was obliged to pay taxes annually. This is the only agreement that US accepts to pay taxes to a foreign state, moreover it is the only deal been signed in a foreign language during US’s history since its foundation until now.

In brief; 

* The only international treaty that was signed by the United States in a foreign language,

* The Ottoman Empire is the only state that the United States was agreed to pay taxes,

* Ottoman Emperor refused the President George Washington for signing the agreement mutually, then it was carried out by the Ottomans Algerian Governor.

Translation: Özden Atukeren

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