"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


10. Risale-i Nur Youth Congress History of Humanity and Nationality desk result declaration

12 Temmuz 2019, Cuma 15:44
In Risale-i Nur Youth Congress, organized by newspaper of Yeni Asya and Risale-i Nur Institution, the theme of "nationalism" has been discussed in consideration of Bediüzzaman's "nationalism views". It has been emphasised that our single nation is Islam Nation and this Nation is supposed to be castle of Islam.

Annually organized by Risale-i Nur Institution, 10.Risale-i Nur Youth Congress was held on 6-7th April 2019 in Ankara. This year's theme was determined as "Nationalism" by Risale-i Nur Institution and table sudies were held. 

Table studies, in which about 180 youngs throughout all corners of Turkey actively involved, started on 6th April, Saturday at 09.00 and ended at 20.00.

The Result Declarations of Table Studies, held seperately by both man and women, were shared with society in Youth Congress held on 7th April.

Collected under main topic of Nationalism and involving 5 tables, table titles were;

1. Table: Humanitarian Values and Nation

2. Table: World Peace and Nation

3. Table: History of Humanity and Nationality

4. Table: Religion and Nation

5. Table: Society, State and Nation

Translation: Ekrem Başçı



Ümit Acar, Ahmet Emin Hocaoğlu, Cemil Said Demirdöğmez, Enes Çelebi, Esad İnceman, İmdat Donmaz, Lazgin Demir, Mahmut İlhan, Mehmed Emin Turgut, Mehmet Yasin İriboz, Said Akça,Sefa Kızılay, Semih Demircan, Senar Tekin,İbrahim Said Ergenekon, Enes Furkan Yıldız,Muhammed Said Çiçek, Ömer Taha İlhan


Elifnur Aydemir, Elifnur Uşunlu, Emine Karahan,Emine Tuğba Akar, Habibe Nur Eryılmaz, Hayrunnisa Açıkbaş, Merve Ulu, Neslinur Zeynep Mutlu, Ravza Zeynep Kayışoğlu, Semanur Sert, Zehra Kavşut


History of Humanity and Nationality

1. The seeds of racism scattered by Satan by claiming superiority to the men, relying on the fact that he is made up of fire, caused disaster for humanity. But the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad is a model period in which all kinds of nationalism are trampled.

2. Throughout history, the lives of nations that have shared common values such as love, tolerance and solidarity have flourished. However, the lives of nations that have acted with hatred, grudge, and jealousy and etherized non-self, have resulted in disaster. 

3. Especially since the 19th century, as the nations in Europe embraced the idea of racism, the terrible consequences of the world wars took place. And it’s been seen how harmful the racism is for the humanity. 

4. Throughout history, the idea of master race that underpins colonialism and imperialism has led humanity to disaster. 

5. The “sense of self” which is one of the reasons of racism is the one of reasons of the decline of society. But the societies which has the “sense of us” have success and happiness in every field.

6. Racism, planting seeds of faction and enmity in nations, triggers hostility. We can fight this with the help of Islam’s principles of justice, mercy and compassion. 

7. Whenever Islamic nations neglects the notion of “Islamic nation” with the idea of racism coming from foreigners, they come apart and be dominated by foreign nations. 

8. Racism, which holds one’s brother or relative responsible for that person’s crime is against true justice and it is the cause of violent persecution. 

9. As saying: “Just as all creatures are equal in regard to their distance from being fit to be worshipped, so too they are equal in regard to their createdness.” Said Nursi points out the complete inaccuracy of the idea of superiority which stems from the incident where Satan did not prostrate himself to Prophet Adam. 

10. It’s only possible to recreate the brotherhood conscience in Islamic World which is damaged by nationalist movements, with the help of building the notion of Islamic Nation. Because, our nationality is a body, its soul is Islam, and its mind is Quran and faith.

Translation: Sueda Çakır

Yeni Asya English

Okunma Sayısı: 5809
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