"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


We congratulate your Laylat al-Raghaib

11 Ocak 2024, Perşembe
We congratulate your Laylat al-Raghaib, desirous that Allah (swt) will grant you the honour of intercession of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was sent as a mercy to the universe.

Laylatul Raghaib, The Night of Wishes

The first friday night of the month of Rajab which is the first of the three holy months is called Laylatul Raghaib. This night is one in which  corresponds to the time which the Prophet Muhammad was conceived in his mother's womb.The first step of our Prophet's life which is one which is full of noor and lead to his message was taken on this night; our Prophet who gives the universe its actual value, who is a pionerer who will save humanity from spiritual darkness, the abyss of unbelief. Thus this night, just like other holy days and nights is a rare opportunity for our spiritual life.

The Prophet Muhammad's noor

“If you look at this great universe with the perspective that it is a book, the Prophet Muhammad's noor is the ink of the pen of the author of that book. If that great universe, is imagined to be a tree, the noor of Prophet Muhammad would be both its seed and its fruit. If the world was presumed to be a living being with a body the noor would be its soul. If it was envisaged as a human, that noor would be its mind.”

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi / Al-Mathnawi al-Nuriye

Okunma Sayısı: 8642
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  • Mehdi Mountather

    20.2.2024 10:46:45

    The earth moves order of ALLAH to avoid death by strong earthquakes more mag 7 earthquake tsunami volcano in Turkey and in the 7 continents non-Muslims to convert to Islam and Muslims to apply the Quran 100% 20 February 2024.


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