"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


The wounded were visited in the hospital

25 Mart 2019, Pazartesi 10:10
We had a chat with the Chairman of the Federation of Islamic Societies in New Zealand, Dr. Mustafa Faruk. We offered our condolences. We talked to them briefly about what could be done.

He said that the people of New Zealand and the people of the country have supported them. He was very grateful that we came all the way from Australia to support them. 

When I told him that there are as many as 350 people who have reverted to Islam according to social media and whether there was any truth to that. He said, “I don't know anything about it. These kinds of fake news can do more harm than good. Of course, there are those who choose Islam from New Zealand.”

Today, we met a delegation from Qatar who were in Christchurch. 

The Secretary General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars was chaired by Sheikh Ali Al-Karadagi. 

I mentioned that we are Turkish and we read Risale-i Nur. He stood up and hugged me. He spoke highly of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. When I asked him if he knew Imam Nursi, he said: “Of course I do! I have even written a book on the Arabic translation of the Risale-i Nur. I'll send it to you.”

Our hospital visits continue.

You never know where and when one will die. 

Among the dead and wounded, many of them came from the most dangerous countries in the world. They escaped war, terror and death, only to find it in one of the safest countries in the world. They escaped from the wars in Syria and Afghanistan to civil war in Somalia, only to meet their fate in Christchurch. 

We have distributed the books “message for the sick” and “sincerity and brotherhood” to the wounded.

Sonny Bill Williams, the famous Rugby player who later became a Muslim and our very own Bachar al-Houli, were at Christchurch Hospital visiting the wounded. Our Turkish brother Mustafa Boztaş who was amongst the injured is doing well mashallah.

This family came all the way from Samoa island to show their respect.

NEWS: Yeni Asya/Australia

Haber Merkezi

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