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The Prescription for the Salvation of Humanity: Quranic Civilization

08 Mart 2019, Cuma 16:45
Bediuzzaman in his perception of civilization presents a road map leading to peace for the mankind confronting great problems in various areas.

Bediuzzaman in his perception of civilization presents a road map leading to peace for the mankind confronting great problems in various areas. The phenomenon conceptualized by Bediuzzaman as the Quranic Civilization brings new dimensions to the civilization, which has been the subject matter of different perceptions and definitions throughout the history of thought.

The 7th Congress of Risale-i Nur organized by Risale-i Nur Institute jointly with the International University of Sarajevo in March 2012 was a sci¬entific study where the fundamental principles and different dimensions of the Quranic Civilization have been investigated. Some of the papers presented in the Congress carried out in five sessions were published in the previous volume of our journal. We share with you, in the present volume, the rest of the presen¬tations, the declarations of the sessions and the proceedings.

The understanding of the Quranic civilization decorated with universal values contains principles that present all mankind happiness, comfort, and pe¬ace. On the other hand the understanding of the secular civilization of our age that is devoid of divine messages, is based on principles such as power, interest, clash, racialism, and entertainment, and thus leads mankind to unrest.

One of the most important issues discussed nowadays by thinkers is the theories concerning the future of mankind. Mankind standing at the cross¬roads will either insist on an understanding of civilization that carries on a materialistic order devoid of moral values and overwhelmed by poverty, war, and injustice and that may cause an early doomsday; or will accept a new ci¬vilization that will lay the foundations of societies of love and peace with the universal principles of truthfulness, justice, helping each other, cooperation and brotherhood, and which will succeed in getting humanity to attain peace. The endeavors of reviving the Quranic civilization are gaining importance for the second way. In this context Bediuzzaman’s bringing new dimensions to Qura¬nic civilization and his efforts to revive it need to be understood in terms of the peaceful future of mankind.

In this respect the 7th Congress of Risale-i Nur puts forward the op¬portunities of a world where mankind is able to survive in a true freedom and peace, without being slaves of material, and to maintain good relations with the Creator. We hope this congress to pave the way for the truths that will bring peace to mankind.

We anticipate addressing you with a file on “A New Constitution” in the next volume of our Journal.



Quranic Civilization including Zakat and Excluding Riba

Prof. Dr. Ahmet BATTAL

Belief constitutes the framework of what Bediuzzaman tells of indi¬vidual and society in his works. He especially gives priority to belief in his works after 1926 in the periods of the Second Said and the Third Said with the exception of riba and zakat. In this study one of the basic tenets of Islam, the order of zakat and the prohibition of riba are being evaluated in terms of the conditions of our time.

Key Words: Zakat, interest, riba, belief, individual, society


The Mission of Global Peace Ascribed to the Project of Al-Madrasatu’z-Zahra by Bediuzzaman

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Veli SIRIM/Muş Alparslan University

Al-Madrasatu’z-Zahrâ is an educational project by Bediuzzaman with the purpose of uniting Islamic societies and providing the world peace. The project, which is based on the principles of brotherhood and cooperation and enabling the study of religious and scientific disciplines together, aims at spe-cifically giving a direction appropriate to the nature of people living in that geographical area and generally assuming the mission of maintaining the glo¬bal peace. In this study the mission of global peace ascribed to the project of Al-Madrasatu’z-Zahra by Bediuzzaman is investigated.

Key Words: Peace, peace agreement, Al-Madrasatu’z-Zahrâ, Al-Azhar University, The Eastern University, Islamic World


The Crisis and Postcrisis sis in Bediuzzaman’s formulations (In the Contexts of Turkey and The World)

Prof. Dr. Mehmet İPÇİOĞLU/Selçuk University

The Quranic Civilization first of all bring to our mind the concrete state of civilization established in the Era of Happiness under the guidance of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the civilizations made real by His followers. In this study after briefly touching upon the process of historical development of the Islamic civilization or in another term, the Quranic Civilization, we will investigate the state-individual relationships in the Ottomans as a state assu¬ming a Quranic life style.

Key Words: Quranic Civilization, the Ottomans, state, individual, justice, state of law


Two Different Approaches in the Formation of Islamic Civilization: Equivalence and Fondness of Appearance


Bediuzzaman uses the concept of civilization in the sense of “a system of values organizing the relationships between individuals and groups in the world.” The Islamic civilization bases the arrangement of relationships bet¬ween human beings on the value system of Islam. In this context while the fundamental dynamics of the Islamic civilization are righteousness, virtuosity, cooperation, relations pertaining to religion, class and homeland, there may be variations in the practice of these principles. Bediuzzaman states two different approaches in this context; equivalence and fondness of appearance. This paper deals with these two different approaches to the Islamic civilization.

Key Words: Islamic civilization, equivalence, fondness of appearance, necessity


The Aesthetic and Artistic Characteristics of Quranic Civilization


A comprehensive description of the aesthetic and artistic characteristics of Quranic civilization being very challenging, trying to explain the topic from a personal point of view in the framework of Risale-i Nur would be much more realistic. Therefore this study will attempt to explain the aesthetic and artistic characteristics that may concern the Quranic civilization as represented in the works of Risale-i Nur in terms of their goals, fundamentals, framework, criteria and consequences. .

Key Words: Quranic Civilization, aesthetics, art, beauty, Esma-i Hüsna, worshipping .


The Role of Zakat in Cooperation

Asst. Assoc. Dr. M. Cüneyt GÖKÇE/Harran University, Faculty of Theology

Zakat is one of the important pillars of Islam and a very important means of social integration and cooperation. At the same time it is the guarantee of material and spiritual comfort and peacefulness and the pretext of fruitfulness. In this study the role of zakat in social integration and cooperation is considered.

Key Words: Zakat, cooperation, sharing, al-jihad, riba


The Formula of Assistance and Cooperation that will bring Global Spring

M. Abidin KARTAL

The crises encountered in all areas have forced mankind into new searches. The collapse of socialism and the capitalism’s bringing mankind face to face with new crises have brought alternative projects of civilizations into the agenda. The Formula that will bring global spring to mankind lies in the fundamentals of the Quranic civilization. The consequences brought about by the fundamentals of civilization assumed by Islam can be summarized as justice, alliance, solidarity, loving one another, cooperation, assistance, brotherhood, and peace, which will achieve happiness in this world and hereafter by exalting and perfecting man. In this paper the properties of Quranic civilization will be displayed against the global economic crisis.

Key Words: Global crisis, Western Civilization, Capitalism, Quranic civilization, assistance, cooperation, zakat, interest


The Civilization of Savagery with the Mask of Modernism and the Civilization of Mercy

Sebahattin YAŞAR/Harran University

Throughout the human history there has been a permanent develop¬ment in the relationships among human beings. This is a law of development valid in the universe. Human beings usually have a tendency towards the good and the beautiful. As a matter of fact what we mean by civilization is every¬thing that is for the material and spiritual benefit of human beings. In this study starting from the understandings of civilizations influential throughout human history we mention Bediuzzaman’s interpretation of civilization and give an account of the characteristics of Quranic civilization.

Key Words: Civilization, savagery, mercy, modernism, tolerance, human rights


The Idea of Civilization and Brotherhood in Islam

Yasemin YAŞAR

Woman is essentially a litmus paper to test a civilization or a culture. Throughout history woman has assumed a basic role both in the destruction and the protection of civilizations. In this study we set off by analyzing the perception of woman in the Western civilization and explain the significance ascribed to woman in the Islamic civilization.

Key Words: Civilization, religion, woman, property, mother


The Influence of Political Movements over Secularization

İntizam Seyda DURGUN

Politics, what is generally defined as “the art of administrating a co¬untry”, has taken place in the center of changes taking place in our recent his¬tory. The politics-religion relationship has been one of the most controversial issues in this context. This article sets out by stating the meanings ascribed to politics by Bediuzzaman and deal with the effects of political movements over secularization.

Key Words: Politics, religion, secularization, power

Okunma Sayısı: 1149
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