"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


The best way is to control oneself

03 Haziran 2019, Pazartesi 11:22
World famous English musician Yusuf Islam, during his journey to Turkey in August 2013 gave an interview to a Turkish journalist touching on some important matters. We have extracted this interesting conversation text from our archive records. Addressed topics are still continuing to be relevant.

As will be remembered he has converted his religion into Islam and adopted the name Yusuf Islam in 1977. The main reason for visiting to Turkey is to provide economic support for the mosque which is to be constructed at the UK’s Cambridge University (The Abu Bakr Mosque) 

He talked about the reason of this mosque construction : “Cambridge is England's most intellectual and political city. This mosque will symbolize Islam in England. British viewpoint for Islamic religious is very moderate. The same manner is effective also in Turkey. Turkey is located in both Asia and Europe...”

During his visitation he joined a fast-breaking meal at a hotel close by Blue Mosque in Istanbul. Following the meal he replied a question about ‘economic disparities between Islamic countries’: “In the future life riche people will be questioned more extensively. Hz. Muhammed (p.b.u.h) states that poor people will go to the Heaven 500 years earlier than riches. It means that Islam stands behind the poor people.(...) In the other world you will be treated entirely depending on what you were doing in this world; In the afterlife, you'll be questioned about in what way you spent your time on in this world. 

Regarding to the Islamic countries have so many monetary possibilities, it is very important to keep an eye on the poor people and to foster them. But unfortunately these sources are shamelessly mismanaged.(...) 

Generally the rulers are not benefactors in the field of social responsibility. They spend their moneys ridiculously for instance for newly war technologies or airplanes and so on.

For God's sake, when people die of hunger, the riches are idolizing their goods! We couldn't take anything with us when departing this life.” 

(Interviewer: Kubra Par, from Haberturk Newspaper., 5th. Aug. 2013)

Yusuf Islam pointed out that Islam invites people ‘to charity, sincerity, honesty and to terminate battles-struggles’ He also called attention to danger of ‘cyber world’ : “In the past years you were speaking to each other face to face whereas now-a-days everyone holds a mobile phone for communication from the distance. It's actually worse than it looks, inconvenient and undesirable.

For example, Twitter is a unique instrument with which people can be influenced.

Sometimes quite dangerous. 

Because you don’t aware of the source of information.

We don't know who posted the twitter messages. 

We must be careful about where the information comes from..”

“Most realistic power struggle has to be done by the way of election through ballot box.” 

The famous musician Yusuf Islam then continued stating about ‘protest movements’: 

“If a man is walking to protest, he may has been guided by some cliques.

But the power of the initial consistency diminishes eventually and subsequently the opposite parties improve their protective measures. (...) 

By courtesy of Islam at the end, I came to a conclusion that the most realistic way is to control oneself. You can't control anything unless you control yourself.(...) Sometimes ago a related documentary had been broadcasted on BBC.”

“Previously I paid excessive attention to look like a Muslim (in point of appearance). Afterwards I noticed that it is unnecessary and inessential” 

We would like to actualize the Islamic messages given by Yusuf Islam. 

The rulers of the Islamic countries have to recover their consciousness, to put away to squander their huge financial potential for excessive weaponing and their conspicuous consumptions.

On the assumption that ‘The best way to control oneself ‘ hopefully we must take care to stay focused on that matter.

Faruk Çakır

Translation: Özden Atukeren

Yeni Asya English

Etiketler: Yusuf Islam, Turkey, Muslim
Okunma Sayısı: 1912
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