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Street Iftar Marks 2nd Anniversary of Finsbury Park Mosque Attack

24 Mayıs 2019, Cuma 14:03
The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined hundreds of Muslims Tuesday in North London in Ramadan iftar meal that marked two years on the Finsbury Park mosque attack, Daily Mail reported.

“I want our children to grow up in a world of diversity of wonder and of beauty, but if they grow up in a world dominated by discrimination and hate, then their lives will be less exciting, their lives will be less imaginative, and above all the collective problems we face cannot be solved,” Corbyn told the gathering.

Two years ago, on the 17th of Ramadan, British-born terrorist, Darren Osborne, who hired a van and drove it into a group of Muslims who had just finished their prayers at Finsbury Park mosque.

Osborne, who had vowed to ‘kill all Muslims,’ murdered one man, Makram Ali, a 51-year-old grandfather, while injuring twelve others.

Bragging about his attack, Osborne told the court, “If (London mayor) Saddiq Khan would have been there, it would have been even better, like winning the lottery.”

Two years on the attack, Corbyn and Conservative MP Dominic Grieve promoted a message of unity as they joined the daughter of victim Makram Ali at a community street iftar meal outside Finsbury Park mosque on Tuesday evening.

At least two thousand people joined the meal organized by Muslim Aid, Finsbury Park mosque and the Muslim Welfare House.

“Those that divide our community don’t build houses that people need to live in. Don’t build schools that our children need to learn in. They don’t build hospitals that we all need to be cared in,” Corbyn said.

“They don’t solve any of those problems, and a world riven with division will not be able to deal with the huge issue that we all face of climate change and the damage we are doing to our natural world.”

Ruzina Akhtar, Ali’s daughter, also addressed the gathering, promoting a message of unity over division.

“Two years on after the tragic loss of my father, it is still most beautiful to continue to see that the community is able to get together to celebrate events like today,” she said.

“Communities are only able to stand united because we don’t give in to these terrorists and racists who set out to divide us.

“We need to continue to show that no matter what the situation we will come out stronger and better than before.”

Okunma Sayısı: 1491
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