"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Said Nursi’s Democratic Society Vision

08 Mart 2019, Cuma 14:55
In our period as rapid changes are seen discussions on the concepts of human rights, state of law, democratization and freedom prepared a basis for other changes with social dimension.

In our period as rapid changes are seen discussions on the concepts of human rights, state of law, democratization and freedom prepared a basis for other changes with social dimension. While state centered views that dominated past centuries are weakening, views aiming at expanding person’s life area and centered on human strengthened in this century.

When evaluated from our country’s perspective, it is seen that our democratization process full of pain and tears is still problematic. Despite a process of at least one hundred years, our country’s grades concerning human rights are still low. Our country, which passed hundredth year of constitutionalism, still longs for a free, modern democracy. Problems centered on the concepts of religion-politics-state cannot be overcome. In addition to this, state centered codes and authoritarian tendencies dominant in the process of shifting from Empire to republic could not be left behind. Authoritarian perceptions leads to postpone individual rights and freedoms and prevent attainment of democracy to the desired level. As one of the most basic discussion topics, “Kurdish Issue” gradually becomes deeper and gains different dimensions with nationalist-statist reflexes. The point where the process launched as “Democratic Initiative” will end, how to stop antidemocratic structures and how to end terror are among the questions that are asked most today. In short, several problems of our country in socio-cultural, socio-economic, socio-psychological fields are waiting to be solved with new initiatives.

Said Nursi’s democratic society vision ornamented with ethics and virtues contain sensitivities and principles which may be the solution of chronic problems of our country. Said Nursi involved in democracy discussions within the last period of Ottoman Empire, when such discussions initiated in our country, defended constitutionalism for religion, and attracted attention with his innovative quality outside the traditionalist understanding, with his specialist identity in social sciences and politics. Ideas of Bediüzzaman, who himself lived during Autocracy, Constitutional and Republic Periods and witnessed socio-cultural and political breakdowns, can bring new perspectives to today’s democracy discussions. Solution offers of Said Nursi to Turkey’s bleeding and deepening wound called Kurdish Issue are worthy of attention. Knew region’s personal and social dynamics well, Said Nursi focused on the essence of the issue and provides a prescription. Moreover, Said Nursi did not only draw attention to our country’s problems, but also to Islam world’s and humanity’s problems, and laid the foundations of a peaceful world.

In our previous issue we presented some of the congress paper texts from “Solution Seeking for Today’s Problems and Said Nursi Model Congress”, and looked for solutions to basic problems surrounding humanity within the light of Bediüzzaman’s views. And in this issue we discuss issues that are important for both our country and the world such as World Peace, Democracy and Human Rights and Kurdish Issue, and intended to contribute to democratic initiative process and to draw the framework of Said Nursi’s democratic society vision. Moreover, by sharing the report concerning Kurdis Issue prepared by Risale-i Nur Institute, and presented the issue to our readers and concerned people.



Bediüzzaman and Democratic Society Vision

Prof. Dr. Ahmet BATTAL

Bediüzzaman involved in democracy discussions within the last period of Ottoman Empire, when such discussions initiated in our country, and attracted attention with his innovative quality outside the traditionalist understanding, with his specialist identity in social sciences and politics. Ideas of Bediüzzaman, who himself lived during Autocracy, Constitutional and Republic Periods, can bring new perspectives to today’s democracy discussions. In this paper, Bediüzzaman’s democratic society vision is analyzed.

Keywords: Democracy, democratic society, constitutional period, republic, freedom, state


Nationalism as Unity and Separation Framework or States of "Being Nation"

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Kadir CANATAN

In the nineteenth century world public talks about a “germ” that became epidemic all through the world. This germ is nothing but “nation idea”. Ottoman intellectuals are aware of the fact that 19th century is the “century of nations”, and show nationalism as a germ affecting the spirit of nations. However, they have different opinions on whether this germ is useful or harmful. In this work, generally 19th century intellectuals’ perception of nationalism resulting from the West and affecting Ottoman Empire and particularly original thoughts of Said Nursi as one of these intellectuals are analyzed, and in connection with our current topic, it is discussed whether these thought can be a solution to Kurdish issue.

Keywords: Turkism, Islamism, Ottomanism, affirmative nationality, negative nationality, nation, culture, religion, language, race


Projections of Human Rights and Freedom Notion on Risale-i Nur


One of the conceptual foundations of human rights is freedom. For Koran, freedom is one of the conditions of divine examination. One cannot escape from the holy examination and cannot forsake his/her freedom, which the basis of responsibility and cannot transfer it to other individuals and institutions. Individual and society have to respect his/her freedom. Individual freedom is sacred in its immunity sense.

In this study, notions of freedom, equality, justice and human rights will be analyzed, and parallelisms and projections between what is said in Risale-i Nur and aforementioned notions will be analyzed.

Keywords: Freedom, individual freedom, equality, right, law, human rights, Islam


Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and "Kurdih Issue"


With his Korani analyses on basic problems of humanity, Bediüzzaman Said Nursi offered solutions for the problems of both Muslim and people living in Turkey. In addition to this, for sure, he conducted analyses on the problems of people on the land he was living in. One of the most important analyses is concerned with Southeastern Issue. In this study, approaches and solution offers of Bediüzzaman to the problem called Kurdish Issue are taken into consideration.

Keywords: Kurdih Issue, nation state, democratization, rights and freedoms


Analyses and Solutions of Bediüzzaman on Kurdish Issue

İsmail ÇOLAK/Historian-Author

Our country’s East and Southeast Anatolian regions and North Iraqi region have been tried to be made focus of Western states’ imperialist interests and ambitions. Imperialist states aimed at building a long term imperialist order by looking for a permanent holding point. One of the issues raised for this purpose is “Kurdish Issue”. The most vital step to be taken in solution of the problem is available in Bediüzzaman Said Nursi’s works. Accordingly, unity of religion, land, history, ideal, fate and interest to strengthen fraternity, solidarity, peace and cooperation between Turkish and Kurdish people will deeply solve the problem. In this study, analyses and solutions on Kurdish Issue are revealed with the ideas of Bediüzzaman.

Keywords: Kurdish issue, solidarity, peace, cooperation, Medresetüzzehra, ignorance, Kurdism, nationality, religion


From Islam, the Religion of Peace to World Peace

Dr. Veli SIRIM

Since its emergence, Islam has accepted and implemented principles of strengthening humane bounds on the earth, approaching societies with humane purposes, basing mutual relations on solidarity, cooperation and peace for charity works. Moreover, it accepts that normal and permanent situation among the societies is peace, and that the real reason disrupting the peace and triggering hostility is malicious trespass. And when obligation to battle emerges, it directs Muslims to seek for the way for peace and give efforts. In this text, based on the importance paid by Islam to peace, Islam’s possible contribution to world peace is revealed.

Keywords: Peace, world peace, battle, jehad

Source: This article is the editorial writing of the akademic magazine Köprü/Summer 2010

Okunma Sayısı: 2192
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