Muslims living in the US state of Texas, along with Friday, tarawih and daily prayers, experienced the joy of coming together with an iftar program for 1,400 people.
Islamic center of the Frisco mosque in state of Texas of USA bein build to handle 1700 people at one time.
Despite being a new mosque, began to fail to meet the need after a large number of Muslims moved to the region.
That's why two Friday prayers are performed on Fridays. Construction work has also started within the framework of the mosque expansion plan.
Muslims living in the region experienced the joy of coming together with Ramadan, Friday, tarawih and daily prayers, together with an iftar program for 1400 people. The iftar dinners held every year continued this year as well.
Tents were set up in the parking area of the mosque for iftar and tarawih prayers.
Hundreds of people were served food, tables set separately for men and women at the front and back of the mosque.
The fasting people broke their fast with watered dates and meals distributed by tens of volunteers.
We asked, Imam Salah Mahmouda, about Islamic activities in Ramadan, he said: “Mosques are centers that meet many needs of Muslims here. That's why we call it the Frisco Islamic Center.
In Ramadan, as usual, tarawih prayers are performed in addition to Friday and daily prayers. A juz is read in 20 rak'ah tarawih prayers. In addition, we have iftar meals open to all community members once a week. We also have iftar dinners for young people only, and iftar meals for disabled children and their families. We also haveh a separate iftar meal for those who have just become Muslims. In addition, within the framework of inter-religious dialogue, we have an iftar program for 200 people, which we organize together with the mosques in the vicinity and invite people from other faiths.
We have hafiz programs that continue every day in the morning and evening hours, as well as an Islamic school for children at the weekend.
We also have a clinic in our mosque that continues with the help of volunteer doctors and looks after patients for free.
Due to the lack of parking space, the mosque community has to park in front of the store next door on Fridays and during tarawih prayers. The understanding and kindness of the business owners that allowed Muslims to park there.
Could you send me a copy, if they publish it in the Yeni Asya?
Kelly Karthık, who came in front of the mosque on Friday and wanted to be elected to the Frisco school commission, came to introduce herself to the people who came out of the mosque and to give them borhushir.
The fact that she covered her head, so that it would not be disrespectful to those who came out of Friday prayers, drew attention as an admirable act. We wished her a successful election.

We ask, "can we take a picture of you?' Kelly Karthik, who posed for us, said "with pleasure, If they release this in the New Asia, (Yeni Asya) would you please send me a copy too"?" she gave us her business card. We promised to send it to her.