What gives the essence of the technological civilization of the West is that it has in many respects created an open society.
This is a politically open community where issues are clearly discussed, communication is very wide, newspapers, books are read. In other words, it is not a regime within the political system that obeys the orders of a single person, but a political regime that highlights the units that ensure the participation of many people in politics. The first aspect of openness is to negotiate everything openly and to be able to give a reason for everything, to persuade people by giving an explanation of everything. The second aspect of openness is that the political system is open, that is, dependent on participation, and it is ensured that many people participate in politics. This is ensured through the parliamentary system. How will more people with liberal views participate in the political process? This problem needs to be resolved.
Dealing with knowledge does not mean denying Allah.
In Western science, there is no end to physical sciences. That's his idea. The researcher will be released in order to find out how the world order works, the laws governing the physical world. This is faith; faith is not a contradiction. For example, finding out that the sun is in the center and the earth is located around the sun, and our world is a tiny part of it, is not denying that the universe was created by Allah. Let scientist find whatever he finds, but in any case, the resulting system is a system that is fantastically balanced and has many subtleties, although it is very complicated. To say how this system works is not to deny Allah. This system needs to be understood. This third point of clarity is one of the reasons why Western technology has been able to emerge.
One of the features that Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has brought into the Nur movement is that these three doors are trying to find their Islamic counterpart and have underlined this effort:
1- Acceptance of discussion and negotiation methods, revealing everything only by telling, nothing is imposed with authority, is a theme found in many places in the Risale-i Nur, a style of opinion and a worldview.
2- At the second important point about the political regime, when we look at the ideas of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in the Risale-i Nur, it seems that in many places, great importance is attached to all kinds of participation and the release of the community in its own destiny.
3- The most important of these studies is the subject of scientific invention. In the Risale-i Nur; It is said that the creative power of Allah is the origin of what we experience, but with this origin, an interconnected system has been established that is fantastically confused and can only be understood with science. He encourages people to understand the intricacies of this system.
4- Thus, it was understood that in the Risale-i Nur, the issue of copyrighting the openness that is considered to be the origin of Western industrial civilization with Islam should be dealt with. There is no doubt that the fact that Said Nursi's own Islamic understanding was shaped by those three open doors played a big role in Turkey, where the Nur movement creates a flow today. It is hoped that this will continue with even greater clarity. Because open door, open negotiation, free political system and free scientific activity are the main origins of our modern world and the world that has produced this technology.
Suad Alkan (New Asia, 6.9.2017)
Translated by Ethem ERBAŞ