9-year-old Joana helped her siblings to become Muslims.
All children of the family, converted to Islam under the leadership of their 9-year-old sisters, Joana. Their mothers was accepted Islamism previously. At first Joana became Muslim, then the day after, her older sister and brother also chose to be Muslim. Three siblings, recited Confession of Faith (the kalima shahadah) at the ceremony held at the Texas East Plano Islamic Center Mosque, then received their first lessons and gifts from Sheikh Yasir Qadhi.
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, made a speech at a small ceremony at the entrance of the mosque, which was closed due to the pandemic; "We are now in front of the East Plano Islamic Center with participation of Master Baajour. We cannot go inside due to the pandemic. We have already a very precious family with us. Although we are in quarantine in Fort-Worth City due to the pandemic, Subhanallah people continue to discover Islam. Alhamdulillah Mrs. Anji, upon seeing herself dressed in veiled clothes in her dream last year, did research and became a Muslim by way of reciting the kalima shahadah. After she begun living according to the Islamic way, hereupon her children started to ask her many questions about Islam.
Although she did not want to put pressure on her children and to force them for changing their religions. Children highly impressed by the answers to the questions they asked their mothers about Islam.
As a first 9-years-old Joana, and following her at the next day their siblings they decided to embrace Islam. Thereupon, their mother demanded that they testify with an official ceremony. We are here to perform this ‘Confession of Faith’ ceremony.”
Then, he gave their first lessons to the new Muslims about the word "Allahuekber" and “the brotherhood of Muslims”, and gave them his some gifts.
Translation: Özden Atukeren