"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


Call to the Islamic world

16 Nisan 2019, Salı 07:12
Western human rights organizations have received a meaningful call to Muslim countries: Why don't you support East Turkestan?

Yes, finally this has happened and Western human rights organizations have received a meaningful call to Muslim countries: Why don't you support East Turkestan? Of course, the issue of human rights is not just a matter of concern to the east or west, but to the whole of humanity. Therefore, when there is a violation of rights in one place, the whole world, all countries and humanity must and should be challenged. However, Muslims should be more sensitive about rights. Especially when a Muslim is persecuted, it is an important duty of the entire Islamic world to oppose this persecution. Since all Muslim are brothers and sisters, and the hadith “The person who has a full stomach while his/her neighbours are hungry, they are not one of us.” is known very well, is it possible otherwise?

This is the case and it should be so. Unfortunately, the Islamic world may be irrelevant to the persecution of its neighbours. A serious injustice and persecution in East Turkestan have been discussed for the past 50 years. What is the fact that civil society organizations or other organizations representative of the Islamic world is not able to react as much as necessary? Of course, the purpose of this is to end the Chinese persecution and to enable people living in East Turkestan to live humanly. In order to do this, it is essential that all people in the world be one. So the calling which should be done by Muslim organizations, done by foreigner organizations and called for the establishment of a United Nations investigative commission for the investigation of China's violations in East Turkestan. Such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International wanted European and Muslim countries to lead the commission and demanded an expedition committee to be sent to East Turkestan from the UN Human Rights Council, which met in Geneva.

Kenneth Roth, the director-General of Human Rights Watch, who emphasized the severe human rights violations in East Turkestan said “Human rights violations in Xinjiang are very serious and the extent of these abuses also requires an international review.” and asked if the Muslim countries are willing to support the UN's investigation of Myanmar's investigation into the persecution of 700.000 Arakan Muslims, why did they not do the same for China's oppression of 1 million Uyghurs?

Before being questioned, the Islamic world and Turkey should have protested the injustice taken place in East Turkestan. Maybe it is being protested but since this appeal has been made at a very low level so far the result has not been achieved. Also, we should aware of the potential and capabilities when saying all these things. But it’s a human rights issue so assembling the good people of the world calls China to heel. After all, there’s no other way. In this respect, it is meaningful to call for unity with the good and fight against the wicked. Turkey and the Islamic world must achieve it. Otherwise, the idea of being a leader country becomes invalid and the neighbours trusting Turkey disappoints.

Faruk Çakır

Translated by: Onur Nizam

Proofreading: Selçuk Şanlı

Click to read the original in Turkish: İslâm dünyasına çağrı

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