"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


British Home Secretary Promises to Protect Muslims

03 Nisan 2019, Çarşamba 08:40
The British Home Secretary has promised to give the Muslim community the protection they deserve in reaction to calls for providing mosques more protection in the wake of the Christchurch massacre and subsequent attacks on mosques in Birmingham, Tell Mama reported Tuesday, April 2.

“As Home Secretary, I’ve been clear, far and extreme right-wing extremism have no place in Britain,” Sajid Javid told MPs in the Commons.

“The Government takes this issue very seriously and it is routinely discussed by ministers.”

His comments came as shadow home secretary Diane Abbott warned of “grave concern” in the Muslim community in the light of the massacre in New Zealand.

She urged Javid to consider helping Muslim community centers with funding for necessary security.

Terrorist Brenton Harrison Tarrant killed 50 Muslim worshippers in March 15 attacks as he targeted Al Noor and Linwood mosques.

Following Christchurch attacks, around 400 Muslim scholars, academics, and community leaders from around the world signed an open letter calling for an end to Islamophobia.

The leaders of the British Muslim community have also called on the government to provide funding for mosque security.

“There is grave concern in the Muslim community in the light of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand and the subsequent attacks on mosques in Birmingham, is he able to give assurances about access to funding for the security of mosques and other places of worship in the same way as funding is available to the CST (Community Security Trust) for the security of synagogues,” Abbott said.

“And is he aware that there are very many Muslim community centers like my own North London Muslim community center which is next door to the mosque, forms part of the same complex of buildings and feels very much at threat.

“Is he prepared to consider looking at helping them with the funding for necessary security?”


Javid said he understood why there were “heightened concerns amongst our British Muslim communities, that is why we need to do more” and that soon after the Christchurch massacre he set out what immediate action the department was taking with the increase in the places of worship funding.

He added: “I think she’s right to raise the issue of Muslim community centers and that’s why I want to work with Muslim community leaders and others to listen to them about what needs to be done… I think all (MPs) in this House are united to make sure that our Muslim community in Britain who we cherish feel hugely valued and they will get the protection that they deserve and no one should feel intimidated in any way whatsoever.”

There has been a visible police presence across mosques throughout the UK following the Christchurch terrorist attacks.

According to the Muslim Council Of Britain, the Prime Minister took steps to increase security funding for Jewish institutions after the rise of anti-Semitic attacks, committing £14m to support the security of approximately 400 synagogues and 150 Jewish schools (equivalent to £25k per institution).

The MCB called on the government to “demonstrate equivalent support to Muslim communities.”

Okunma Sayısı: 1490
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