"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


10. Risale-i Nur Youth Congress World Peace and Nationality desk result declaration

05 Temmuz 2019, Cuma 15:22
In Risale-i Nur Youth Congress, organized by newspaper of Yeni Asya and Risale-i Nur Institution, the theme of "nationalism" has been discussed in consideration of Bediüzzaman's "nationalism views". It has been emphasised that our single nation is Islam Nation and this Nation is supposed to be castle of Islam.

Annually organized by Risale-i Nur Institution, 10.Risale-i Nur Youth Congress was held on 6-7th April 2019 in Ankara. This year's theme was determined as "Nationalism" by Risale-i Nur Institution and table studies were held. 

Table studies, in which about 180 youngs throughout all corners of Turkey actively involved, started on 6th April, Saturday at 09.00 and ended at 20.00.

The Result Declarations of Table Studies, held seperately by both man and women, were shared with society in Youth Congress held on 7th April.

Collected under main topic of Nationalism and involving 5 tables, table titles were;

1. Table: Humanitarian Values and Nation

2. Table: World Peace and Nationality

3. Table: History of Humanity and Nation

4. Table: Religion and Nation

5. Table: Society, State and Nation


Translation: Ekrem Başçı


Mustafa Akça, Abdulkadir Sinoğlu, Behlül Semerci, Furkan Alyakut, Hakkı Şimşek, Kamer Said Mor, Kamil Tekin, Muhammed Okur, Muhittin Aslan, Mustafa Said Yaykal, Safa Okay, Şükrü Kalı, Veysel Karahan, Y. Erkam Nurlan, Zeynel Abidin Borazan


Ayşe Nur Özer, Canan Güneyi, Ece İrem Toros, Meslihan Çetin, Nuray Çiftkaya, Nurseza Okur, Sümeyye Tuğçe Engiz, Zeynep Toprak,  Beyza Nur Altınbaş, Sema Nur Önbaş


World Peace and Nationality

1. The idea of negative nationality, fed by swallowing another, cause conflict and chaos by arousing feelings of hostility. This situation is the biggest obstacle of world peace as seen in World Wars.

2. Positive nationality is based on the principles of acquaintance, cooperation, solidarity and brotherhood. Positive nationality is to protect the material and spiritual common values by feeling of belonging to the country and nation.

3. Negative nationality is a dangerous youth ideology and enthusiasm. To eliminate this danger, the education system of the Medresetüzzehra is needed.

4. Medresetüzzehra’s project, has the qualities to ensure brotherhood that Turkey needs, the peace and tranquility of the world and the union in need of the Islamic world.

5. The true happiness of the believers depends on the brotherhood, love and conversation. The bliss of mankind will also be realized by acquainting with Muslim societies who live true Islam and understanding the truths of Islam.

6. Just as the cells that work differently and live together in harmony and obedience to the law of Allah (creator), different nations must live in unity by obeying this natural law.

7. The values of Islam such as economics, opinion and zakat can be conveyed to other nations with the help of globalization that makes the world a small village and thus the conflicts appearing from nationalist approaches can be ended.

8. Becoming a member of the European Union, which provides its members with human rights, freedom, justice and democracy, will also destroy the ideologies that disrupt society's unity and solidarity such as racism.

9. The mass ambitions and spiritual devastations that prevent the peace, can only be overcome by attributing to the Sunnah Muhammadiyah (a.s.m) and the truths of the Qur'an.

10. Ensuring inner peace in Islamic geography is the duty of all Muslims. Ensuring peace all over the world is the duty of humanity. The principles of the Qur'anic Civilization are guiding at this point.

Translation: Ethem Erbaş

Yeni Asya English

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