"Ümitvar olunuz, şu istikbal inkılâbı içinde en yüksek gür sada İslâm'ın sadası olacaktır."


10. Risale-i Nur Youth Congress Religion and Nationality desk result declaration

21 Temmuz 2019, Pazar 13:35
In Risale-i Nur Youth Congress, organized by newspaper of Yeni Asya and Risale-i Nur Institution, the theme of "nationalism" has been discussed in consideration of Bediüzzaman's "nationalism views". It has been emphasised that our single nation is Islam Nation and this Nation is supposed to be castle of Islam.

Annually organized by Risale-i Nur Institution, 10.Risale-i Nur Youth Congress was held on 6-7th April 2019 in Ankara. This year's theme was determined as "Nationalism" by Risale-i Nur Institution and table sudies were held. 

Table studies, in which about 180 youngs throughout all corners of Turkey actively involved, started on 6th April, Saturday at 09.00 and ended at 20.00.

The Result Declarations of Table Studies, held seperately by both man and women, were shared with society in Youth Congress held on 7th April.

Collected under main topic of Nationalism and involving 5 tables, table titles were;

1. Table: Humanitarian Values and Nationality

2. Table: World Peace and Nationality

3. Table: History of Humanity and Nationality

4. Table: Religion and Nationality

5. Table: Society, State and Nationality

Translation: Ekrem Başçı



Ali Bengi, Ahmed Said Gelen, Aykut Bekkaya, Berk Dağ, Bilal Bozkurt, Erdinç Adıbelli,Furkan Fidanoğlu, Furkan Yüksel, Halil Çiftçi,İsa Şahin Korkmaz, Mehmet Soydan, Mehmet Türkoğlu, Melih Can Daşdelen, Metin Şencan, Sefa Kılıç, Serkan Ünal, Sinan Özden


Ayşenur Akay, Beyzanur Güney, Büşra Nur Erciyes, Lütfiye Kef, Mürvet Muratoğlu, Rumeysa Şahap, Saliha Özayaz, Simya Aslan, Şebnem Zengin, Şeyma Nur Kula, Şüheda Kale, Zeynep Kurun

Religion and Nationhood

1. Nationhood is not a religion. Humans and nations can not live without religion. To find a support and mainstay against the events that he/she is exposed to in the universe and to challenge death, a human being needs to believe in the true religion.

2. The superiority in the presence of Allah is not about gender, race or social status but is about in devotion in the words of Qur’an-ı Hakîm. Those who put the race in the place of devotion are obliged to consider “the self” as God. 

3. Common ties from faith, Islam and humanity are a luminous chain coming from the Divine side and these are the holy castles and sanctuaries that cannot be destroyed and cannot be defeated.

4. The human race is a shape that belongs to the World. Racism is only to value the shape. Our nationhood is an entire body and its soul is Islam. It is unthinkable that a soulless body would live. 

5. It is Allah who divided people into nations and peoples so that they may know, love and help each other, and who created their languages and colours differently. In racism, there is vanity of displeasure against things that Allah has created. Against this nuisance, Qur’an invites us to love, to help and to solidarity. 

6. Not to turning a national identity, which is an inherent circumstance, back to racist and discriminator identity, which is a contagious nuisance from Jahiliyya, it is essential to put luminous ties between Muslims into practice instead theory.

7. Millions of people from every language, every colour and every geographies turn towards Mecca, to circumambulate in the same Kaaba and to stay at the same Arafat is the most beautiful and concrete example of the brotherhood of faith and the Islamic unity. These ties is a luminous range from the East to the West and from the North to the South.

8. Islam connects Muslims with a spiritual bond from Adam (pbuh) and strengthens this bond with the brotherhood of faith. 

9. The World of Islam should strengthen the unity bonds with the idea of affirmative nationality, should establish the nationality of Islam and should ensure the Islamic Union.

10. The basis, the essence and the core of unity and solidarity, of union and fraternity, of justice and rights, of sincere and mutual support is nationhood of Islam.

Translation: Yaz Hilal Yurtseven

Okunma Sayısı: 1922
YASAL UYARI: Sitemizde yayınlanan haber ve yazıların tüm hakları Yeni Asya Gazetesi'ne aittir. Hiçbir haber veya yazının tamamı, kaynak gösterilse dahi özel izin alınmadan kullanılamaz. Ancak alıntılanan haber veya yazının bir bölümü, alıntılanan haber veya yazıya aktif link verilerek kullanılabilir.





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